Improve WASSCE Score Accra

Proven Strategies To Improve Your WASSCE Results In Accra

You may have written the previous WASSCE but your result isn’t what you expected. That doesn’t mean your educational journey has come to an end. You can retake the examinations and come out with flying colours. However, you may be wondering what you can do to improve your WASSCE score. Fortunately, you don’t have to panic. Here are some helpful tips you can leverage.

  • Don’t be hard on yourself

It’s not uncommon for students to beat themselves up when they don’t pass their exams. Perhaps you feel this way, and you feel you aren’t as brilliant as your mates who passed. It’s okay to be sad, but don’t be hard on yourself. Avoid taking out activities that bring you joy in a bid to punish yourself, as this can trigger depression. Instead, distract yourself by doing these things.

 Improve WASSCE Score Accra
Improve WASSCE Score Accra
  • Avoid the trap of comparison

You also want to avoid falling into the trap of comparing yourself to your mates, as this can also lower your self-esteem. Instead, understand that you aren’t in a competition, and you can achieve your dreams regardless of the setbacks. While at it, you can seek ways to salvage the situation. This leads to the next point.

  • Figure out what went wrong

The goal is to pass the exams, so something may have gone wrong at some point. Figuring this out is the first step to improving your scores in the upcoming examinations. As a tip, ask the following questions:

  • What subjects or topics do you struggle with?
  • What happened when you were writing the subjects for which you failed? (You may have blanked out or forgotten what you read).
  • What would you do differently in the upcoming examinations?

These questions can help you come up with a working solution to ace your WASSCE examinations and proceed with your tertiary education.

  • Don’t be ashamed to ask for help

Admittedly, you may struggle with this suggestion, especially if you feel ashamed of your performance. After all, you wouldn’t want people to know about your results. However, asking for help from people with experience can be beneficial. You can talk to them about your struggles with the examinations, and they can guide you in the right direction. You can do the following:

  • Join remedial classes offered by a credible school.
  • Have study sessions with classmates who understand subjects that you struggle with.
  • Hire a private tutor.
  • Meeting your teacher for more advice.

When studying with others, consider practising with past questions to further increase your knowledge.

  • What do you do if you feel your marks are unfair?

Examiners are also human and can make mistakes. That said, you can appeal to the WAEC Council for remarking if you are certain that your scores are unfair.

 Improve WASSCE Score Accra
Improve WASSCE Score Accra

Improve your WASSCE results with us!

You can rely on Lapaz Community High School to help you prepare for the upcoming examinations. Our seasoned teachers, conducive environment and personalized learning approach will equip you to ace the WASSCE and continue on your academic journey. Reach out to us on +233 (0) 246496813 or Whatsapp us on +233537162405. You can also send an email to [email protected].



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